MINI Has a Fun Way of Dealing With Long Delivery Times
Due to a number of problems in the supply chain, automakers have to deal with long delivery times for several of their models, causing plenty of frustration among consumers.
Some are offering incentives or alternatives of various kinds to those who would like to get behind the wheel of a vehicle sooner. Others are finding unique ways to ease people’s frustration.
- Also: MINI Clubman Dropped From Canadian Lineup
- Also: MINI Stops Making Manual Cars, Jacks up Prices for 2023
One of them, MINI, has decided to give its customers in the U.S. (but not in Canada) something fun to do while they wait for their new cars. Everyone on the waitlist will receive a free puzzle with a beauty shot of a MINI. And for a select few, we’re talking about a life-sized puzzle.
The number of pieces is not specified, but it’s officially called the “WE’RE-WORKING-HARD-TO-GET-YOU-YOUR-CAR, WAITING-IS-THE-WORST, IN-THE-MEANTIME-HAPPY-PUZZLING, MINI PUZZLE”, or “Not So MINI” puzzle. Seriously.

Who else but MINI would come up with something like this? After all, the brand is not only about driving fun but also providing owners with unique experiences.
“People buy a MINI because of its cheeky and fun-to-drive spirit, so we wanted to give owners something fun to do while they wait to get behind the wheel of their new MINI,” said Rah Mahtani, Brand Communications Manager, MINI USA. “The ‘Not So MINI’ puzzle is one of the ways we are showing the MINI community our appreciation as owners wait for their new vehicles. Owners and their families can enjoy building and displaying their puzzles, showcasing MINI’s iconic design, right in their home garages or living rooms.”
Remember, MINI decided back in May to temporarily stop building cars equipped with a manual transmission due to supply chain-related issues, prioritizing production of automatic models which prove way more popular. It’s not clear how long the interruption will last. Some people fear that it could be a permanent move.