Tests and Features

Test Drives2011 Nissan Pathfinder: Historically Accurate3.5/5
Nissan Pathfinder Road Test Ask any avid outdoorsman to show you their favorite piece of gear, and chances are good that the device that’s brought before you will be both old, and well used. Having bought and sold numerous rifles and shotguns as my tastes (and my money) came and …
Test DrivesHe Said, She Said: Test driving the Fiat 500
Magali Eysseric and Patrick St-Louis: our test drivers of the month and the Fiat 500. The premise of the He said, she said chronicle is simple: we lend a press vehicle to a couple to test drive for two weeks. The only thing we ask them to do is to …
First Drives2012 Kia Rio: Working-class luxury4.0/5
Not very long ago, automakers didn’t pay too much attention to the subcompact car category. Considered poor cousins without much potential for profit, these little cars rarely had the same research and development budgets as other car types. Needless to say, that was reflected in the overall product quality. If …
Test Drives2012 Ford Mustang GT Convertible: Looking Back into the Future5.0/5
The leaves were already falling in the coastal mountains of British Columbia; fading the horizon from its traditionally lurid green to a mottled amalgam of yellows and browns with only occasional lively spurts of emerald marking the stalwart conifers. As suburban hunters wheeled their new camouflage-covered ATVs into the beds …
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