The Perfect Toy For Gearheads!

If your kid loves cars, there is a wide selection of toys that you can get them to play with: from the Playmobil to the Hot Wheels to R/C cars, kids can be kept entertained for years. However, all these cover only the driving and ownership of a vehicle, none actually allow them to get their hands ''dirty'' while performing maintenance, and as we know, this is part of the full experience of owning a car!

This is why this toy sold by Hammacher Shlemmer is so interesting for young gearheads: it represents the whole front of a car, complete with an engine, two wheels, working headlights and steering. Parts of the engine can be removed, which allows the young mechanics to perform an oil change, air filter swap, or belt maintenance. Once they have repaired the vehicle, they can turn the key to make sure the engine will start!

This kit comes with kid-sized tools, is powered by AAA batteries and costs only $119.

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