Need For Speed to hit the big screen

If you're a young person raised at the teat of Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog, chances are good that you know of the Need for Speed franchise. One of the longest running and most successful series of driving games extant, Need For Speed has remained popular due to its once-controversial theme of driving ridiculously cars faster than the police behind you... a theme that Dreamworks Studios has realized sounds decidedly like a movie plot. So, in an undisclosed amount of time, the game will be brought to life thanks to the script of one George Gatin. Oh? Don't know who that is? Well, he's the brother of the guy that wrote Real Steel. Oh? You don't know what that is? It was that movie a while back with the robots and Wolverine... never mind. 

Long story short, if they can make Battleship into a movie, then Need For Speed should be easy. That said, if the plots of every Need For Speed game can be taken as indicative of what we can expect the movie to look like, then chances are it's going to be too shallow to skip a stone across. But, before everyone gets too critical, at least there is this: EA is asking fans to suggest what cars the movie should feature on EA's Facebook page. So hey, it might not totally suck. 

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