
NewsA Koenigsegg One:1 Crashed on the Nurburging
Earlier this week, Koenigsegg was testing its most recent supercar, the One:1. They were putting the car through its paces on the Nurburgring. Something went wrong, though: the driver lost control in Adenauer Forst, a wooded section. After entering a turn too fast, the car went off-road and through a …
On this day in history: April 20
  • 1927: Phil Hill born, Miami, Florida
  • 1944: For his 55th anniversary, Adolph Hitler receives the first Convertible Beetle (and perhaps the only one) assembled before the start of the Second World War.
  • 2008: Danica Patrick is first woman to win an Indy race
  • 2016: Mitsubishi admits manipulating fuel-efficiency test data
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