A car accident in Quebec: What should you do?

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A car accident can happen to anyone, even the most careful drivers. If you’ve involved in an accident, knowing what to do can be very useful—and save you a lot of stress! The questions you’ll inevitably ask yourself are: Should I file a claim with my insurer? If so, how? And is there any way to keep my premium from going up? We’ll be going over all these points and more.

  • What to do after an accident

First of all, stay calm. That will help you deal with the situation as effectively as possible.


  • Pull over and turn off the engine of your vehicle.
  • Check if there’s any damage.
  • If anyone is hurt, call for help. You also need to call the police, who will prepare an accident report.
  • If nobody is hurt, you can just fill out the to exchange the following information with the other driver involved:
  • Name and address of the driver
  • Driver's license number
  • Name and address of vehicle owner listed on the registration
  • Licence plate number
  • Information on the insurance certificate

Tip: You can use your smartphone to take a picture of the other driver’s licence, registration and insurance certificate.

  • The main reasons to file an insurance claim

Whether or not your vehicle is damaged, there are a lot of good reasons to file a claim with your insurer, especially if another person was involved or property was damaged:

  • The Fichier central des sinistres automobiles (FCSA) in Quebec: Even if you don’t report the accident, the other driver might. That means the accident will be recorded in the FCSA and could affect your driving record. That’s why it’s a good idea to share your side of the story.
  • If property belonging to someone else was damaged (you hit a fence, for instance): You need to report the accident even if your car isn’t damaged or your vehicle isn’t covered because the other person will want to be compensated for the damage.
  • When damage is limited to your vehicle (for example, after an attempted theft or broken window), you can choose to file a claim with your insurer or pay for the repairs yourself.
  • Find out if it's worth it to file a claim

Checking your auto insurance policy is the best way to know if damage to your vehicle is covered. If you’re still not sure about your coverage, your deductible or any other details, contact an insurance agent, who can help you make the right decision and assess what impact a claim would have on your premium.

Tip: As a preventive measure, you can sign up for optional Accident-Free Protection. That way, your insurance premium won’t go up after your first at-fault accident.

  • Keep your insurance premiums in check after an accident

Your auto insurance premium may go up after a claim. But there are other easy ways to :

  • Combine all your vehicles under one policy
  • Bundle your home and auto insurance policies with the same insurer
  • Increase your deductible (the amount you agree to pay if you file a claim)
  • Choose a vehicle that’s less popular with thieves
  • Install an alarm system
  • Drive an
  • Have a clean driving record

Tip: Depending on your profile or vehicle type, you could get a from your insurer.

  • Reduce your risk of an accident

Distracted driving is responsible for nearly four million collisions each year in North America*, which goes to show just how common it is. The good news is you can avoid distracted driving by being more vigilant. Here are the main distractions you should avoid while driving:

  • Smoking
  • Talking or texting on your cell phone
  • Eating or drinking
  • Shaving, putting on makeup, and flossing (yes, we’ve seen it before!)

Tip: If you’re a client of , their program records the number of phone-related distractions that occur while you drive (for information purposes only). You can then use that information to assess and improve your driving habits to lower your risk of getting in an accident.

To sum up

The best way to avoid getting in an accident is to reduce the number of distractions at the wheel and avoid doing anything that could take your attention off the road. If you’re in an accident, stay calm. Call the police if someone is hurt, otherwise just fill out the joint accident report.

Then contact your insurer to declare the loss and ask them how a claim could affect your insurance premium. Remember that there are other ways to lower your premium and that your insurance agent is the best person to help you with all your auto insurance needs.

In the meantime, drive safe!

Sources (1)
Distracted Driving – Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Accident with collision: What to do? – Desjardins Insurance

Distractions at the wheel: Did you know? – Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec

Car Accidents: What to Do – Éducaloi

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